the colabora project

In Northern Mozambique, extreme climatic phenomena and the humanitarian emergency due to constant attacks by jihadist groups are threatening both displaced people (250 thousand in the province of Cabo Delgado alone) and hosting communities.

With the COLABORA project, Istituto Oikos is intervening in the WASH and food security sectors to provide concrete support to the population in the Provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado.

the logo

The association was looking for a logo that would inspire trust and showcase the idea of collaboration.
They wanted for it to be clear it to be used mostly on T-shirts and on digital communication.
It was key for the logo to be relatable to the communities.

initial research

I had a brainstorm with a collaborator in the association where he explained key directions: linked to water or linked to collaboration.

I looked at other associations and brands working in similar domains, to understand what works, what doesn't and what is "overused". From there I started sketching and presented key directions before going digital.

digital exploration

The preferred concept was the one with abstract lines symbolising the joining of forces and vaguely reminding of water.

I started exploring with simple lines, how they would intertwine and used tones of blue to connect to water. Creating versions with text and clipped into a perfect circle.

colour palette & fonts

The preferred direction of the logo was unclipped and with thicker elements "embracing", showing the concept of collaboration.

Colour wise the feedback was to go for a more relatable palette, such as the colours found in the flag of Mozambique.

For fonts I explored DIN Condensed Bold, Neutra Display Bold and created a custom font. Neutra Display Bold was chosen.

the final logo and t-shirt

The selected logo had the colours of Mozambique in a subtle way and can be used locally but also for other projects if Istituto Oikos decided so.

Vertical and horizontal versions of the logo were created for different uses and a logopack was handed over to the association.

Horizontal and vertical logo versions for colour, gradient and B&W use