A website that makes insurance more approachable and easy

job to be done

Catch up with the digital market by tapping into the young and tech-savvy audience, whilst retaining their existing business.

Create a modern design, easy-to-use, responsive e-commerce website to browse through its products.

competitor analysis

Analysing companies which have similar goals to Sicuro and looked into new competitors in the market, to see if they approached insurance in different and unexpected ways.

Market & competitor analysis allowed me to create provisional personas on which to base the research goals and to best recruit the interview panel.

problem statement

From the interviews and the key insights, a persona was synthetised. Highlighting its pain points and needs, and the goals it wants to reach.

Competitor research, storyboarding and the persona were to obtain a problem statement.

“Jo wants to purchase pet insurance fast and easy.

She wants custom packages which fit her needs, whilst being
transparent and clear.”

feature roadmap

Based on the user and business needs, market standards and the persona, we were able to categorise key elements that should be included in the product.

information architecture

I ran a card sorting exercise to get a better understanding of the website architecture and navigation to enable an easier interaction for users.

Once this became clear I created a sitemap, using information obtained from research and the card sort. Subsequently developing the task flow and user flow.

user and task flows

The task and user flows were created respectively to identify the key screens users will follow to complete the main task ("getting a quote and purchasing pet insurance") and the different ways a user could go to complete said task.

user stories

Writing product requirements was a key step in defining what should be contained in the site and to break down information.

I used epics, to have larger user stories, which could then be split into smaller ones, requirements and UI elements.

Product requirements were created for: the homepage, get a quote flow, purchase flow and log ing/sign up.

sketches and wireframes

Based on the previous insights, I made sketches to define the different sections of the homepage and of the different flows. These were then turned into wireframes in Figma to ensure for a responsive web design.

style guide and UI kit

Based on the name and key words representing the personas desires and the company ethos, I explored 10+ logos on paper, 6 digitally and then defined the final based on feedback.

Together with the moodboard and the style guide I developed the UI kit to be used for the high fidelity wireframes.

hi-fi wireframes & prototype

I created responsive high fidelity designs and screens for the main flows (get a quote, create account, purchase insurance).

The target user for this type of insurance service tends to purchase insurance on their computer, hence why the main flow is developed for desktop.


1. begins on the homepage / browses
2. reaches the get a quote flow (with 1st CTA, drag & drop in “Our Services”, CTA at the bottom of the site
3. completes steps to get a quote
4. creates an account
5. completes steps to purchase

view prototype

usability testing

I ran moderated remote test session with 6 participants from the target user group.

The results allowed to highlight successes and key pain points on which to iterate and revise the wireframes and design, to optimise the experience.

affinity map

It allowed to sort, prioritise and rank user feedback. Observing patterns and breaking down further the initial test findings.

A priority list of revisions was created thanks to it.

next steps

Exploring the project further the next steps would be:
1. Usability test of revisioned hi-fi prototype
2. Implementing feedback
3. Creating a handover package for developers